Author: Katie

A little this, A little that

Our last week has flown by!! It goes by so much faster now that I’m working and the work is enjoyable. This was my second week working at The Learning Experience and I. LOVE. IT!!! I mean I pretty much get to play all day 

A Day in My life and Link up

A Day in My life and Link up

Today I thought I would participate in a blog link up with Holly and Amy! I’ve never done a link up before but, hey why not? Right? I’m sure everyone want to know what I do on a daily basis! 7:15ish am– Matt’s alarm goes 

I love new stuff!!

We got a new comforter yesterday!! I wasn’t planning or wanting to get a new one but then this happened to our old one: He wasn’t a fan of being left in his den that night!! We were only gone for about an hour and 

Random Thoughts . . .

Yesterday and today have been really good days since being sick over the weekend. I got in 5 miles on the treadmill yesterday and ate healthy all day. Today I spent the morning catching up on some blogs and signing up for some runs. First 

Let’s Talk Wedding . . .

I’ve seen three people recently that have done this little q&a and I think it’s kinda neat so I wanted to participate also: 1. Are you married? If so when did you get married, and tell us about your special day. If not? How would 

Happy Labor Day!

We’ve had a great long weekend! Friday morning I took Lucky to the Dr.’s for his check up and shots. He loves to ride in the car so he was super excited when we left the house. This excitement was short lived once he realized 

Babysitting 101

So no I don’t have kids yet, and yes I’m ok with that because for us right now we’re just enjoying being married for our first year. We’re thinking possibly next year we’ll move into the kid zone (and by putting this out there my 

Let’s Talk Cooking!

Let’s talk cooking . . . I LOVE to cook and my husband loves to grill so we usually are happy to eat at home most nights. It works out well for us, because aside from the occasional grilled ribs (one of my favorites!) or 

Once upon a time I was a runner . . .

So about 4 years ago I decided I wanted to be a runner and so I set out to become one. I started slow by running as far a I could which ended up being maybe .25 miles before I thought I was going to 

4th of July and crafts!

I know I’m so behind on posting about stuff!! I really need to try and stay more up to day as it’s now almost a month later and I’m just now getting around to it!! Anyways every year on the 4th of July we always