Author: Katie

Princess Half Marathon

Just signed up for the Disney Princess Half Marathon Again!! I’m so excited to do this one again because the Disney runs are always so fun and entertaining!! The first time we did it we weren’t prepared for all the people that run in costume 

Halloween 2012

So in celebration on Halloween last Saturday I met Nancy and Cayden to go to the Halloween festival in Lake Mary. It was actually a cute set up, but we didn’t expect literally the entire city and all surrounding ones to be there. It was 

Happenings . . .

I should really be better about updating I seem to wait until I have an adequate amount of things to talk about and then I get sidetracked and it all just adds up to a million things!! Let’s start with two weeks ago I spent my entire 

Xtreme Mud Warrior

Last Saturday morning we got up and headed to New Smyrna so that I could participate in the Xtreme Mud Warrior Run. It was on this ranch near the beach and I’m pretty sure this must have been the first run they have ever organized, 

Estate Sales and My Mom’s Kitchen

So my cousin, Rae, loves to go to estate sales and buy lots of cool vintage stuff. She recently went to one and posted this picture of a shelf in the kitchen: Looks like nothing out of the ordinary right? The main reason that it caught my 

Weekend Update . . . with Me!

First off Friday was my Brother’s birthday so I’d just like to say Happy Birthday Big Brother!! I hope you had a great birthday and an even better weekend!! Love you!! Happy Birthday to you!! Also happening on Friday we were getting ready for our 

Have you heard about this??

So every morning I wake up at 8 am and take Lucky outside to potty and then get my coffee and breakfast ready. After that I sit down at the kitchen table and while listening to the radio I check  my email, read blogs, pay 

Sushi Dinner!

Matt made me homemade sushi for dinner!!! (but I will get to that in a min!) Last Tuesday we went over to my parent’s house because they wanted Matt to upgrade their computer and he cleverly said that he would as long as they fed 

Marathon Training . . . Fun or Not?

So I’ve been training for my marathon hardcore lately. (68 days to go . . . ) I’m following the Hal Higdon marathon training plan. He has tons of them for every level from beginner to seniors. The one I’m following looks like this for the 

A week with us

Last Sunday we stopped by my Parent’s house so that Matt could mow the lawn and I tried to clean up the garage a little. They are like pack rats over there an everything they don’ t know what to do with, every piece of