What’s Trending


Hello Friends! Let’s discuss what’s been trending this week:

  • #TheBachelor


I’m sure everyone’s heard by now how the finale went down. Even if you don’t watch the show it was hard to miss as IT. WAS. EVERYWHERE. online this week. They even stretched the finale out over two nights because according to them, you guessed it, this was the most dramatic ending ever. I’m not really sure what made it so dramatic? Sure, he proposed to Becca and then promptly changed his mind, broke up with her and went running back to Lauren. Can you blame someone who’s only spent maybe the equivalent of one week with each girl from being confused? Plus it’s not like it was the first time this has happened on the Bachelor. It wasn’t as dramatic as it was creepy in the way he decided to do the break up on camera and then proceed to follow her around the apartment for 40 min (also televised).  On top of that Becca was announced, in a not so shocking reveal, to be the new bachelorette. I have and idea  she’ll be just fine!

  • #andThatsHowIgotThisScar

People are liking telling stories about how they got their scars. One example was “moonshine, a lawn mower, a ladder and me.” I personally don’t have any crazy scar stories, I guess I’ve lived a relatively tame life. The only story that comes to mind is a scar I have on my left elbow. It’s not huge most people probably wouldn’t notice it, but it’s  from my brother throwing a metal hanger at me when we were younger. He throw it just right and the hook stabbed me.

  • #TheOscars

There was lots of stuff trending from the Oscars, obviously. Outside of the outfits and winners there were two comical stories everyone was talking about. The first one was when the camera was on Jennifer Garner while everyone was clapping. She all of the sudden just stops, with a blank stare on her face like she just remembered something very important she forgot to do. Of course the internet went crazy with the memes. I’m not sure how to share them here but you can see some of them here.

The second story was of a man who stole an Oscar from Best Actress winner Frances McDormand. He apparently somehow swiped it at an after party and then made the stupid move to start a live video of himself claiming it was his. He said his “team” won it for music and tells someone nearby that he was a producer. So strange! If you want to read more about this weird incident, you can find it here.

  • #amazonAlexa

There was a programming error (or possibly an intentional “error”) in the amazon alexa this week. It caused many people to hear  strange laughter coming from their personal Alexa devices. We have one Alexa in our family room and I can’t imagine how scary it would be if I heard that while home alone! Luckily ours never laughed. Let me know if you found yourself wondering where the random laughter was coming from?

What did you think of any of these interesting things? let me know below in the comments. 


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