Corn Maze – Cheesy or Fun?

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend! We spent the weekend relaxing and had a great Thanksgiving meal from Fresh Market! My Mom decided that she would just order the meal so no one would have to worry about getting up early and cooking. Honestly it was really good and might just become the norm. It’s really not any more expensive than buying everything separately and so much easier.

One fall tradition we discovered last year and it ended up being way more fun then I thought it would be is going to a corn maze. I saw an ad on Facebook for Scott’s Maze Adventure,which is located not too far from me in Mt. Dora. The add was showing an on-line purchase deal for BOGO admission, so we figured we give it a shot. I honestly thought it’d be kinda lame. However it was actually quite confusing and took us a while to find out way out.

They give you a map of sorts, it more just tells you how many sections there are in the maze. The have it divided up into quadrants that are labeled with color ribbons along the path. The map more lets you know your going in the right direction because you found the correct next color, but other than that you didn’t really know exactly where you were in the maze. Mixed in the maze were little stations with quiz questions that helped you answer the final puzzle at the end of the brochure.They give each group a flag so that if you get really lost or have an emergency you can “wave the white flag.” (Ours was actually and American Flag, but you get the point, right?).  That way they employees know that you are in some kind or trouble or maybe you’re just over it and want to be rescued to the end. There was actually corn growing on the stalks too, which was pretty cool.


There was also a bridge in the middle so you can take a break, get some water, and look out over the maze to see if it helps you get your bearing for the 2nd half of the maze. You can see the rest of our group down there behind us right above my head.


It took us a little over an hour to get out of the maze. It was tricky and we were also trying to make sure we found all the quiz stations. We did finally make it out and it was very exciting! I used the gps on my Fitbit to track our path through the maze. You can see how much back and forth we did finding our way out.


After you find your way out of the maze they had lots of other stuff to see and do. Most of it was for the kids, like bounce houses and a mini maze. They had little obstacle courses and popcorn, boiled peanuts and drink stands. There was also a small vegetable market and country store. Over all we had a blast and are definitely looking forward to doing it again next year.

They actually change the maze every year. It’s made with a theme in mind so that when you look at the maze from the sky it’s a different picture. This past year it was made to honor the first responders. If you had the ability to look at it from the sky you would see among other things a fire truck carved in the corn. If you have a corn maze near you make sure to go check it out, you might be surprised like we were!

Do you guys have any fall activities you try to do every year? Share your traditions with me below!


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