Wakulla Springs

Have you ever just gotten out and explored the state you live in? I decided I need to do that more. We went to visit my Brother who lives in Tallahassee not too long ago and when looking for something to do we decided to check out Wakulla Springs. It’s a state park located not to far outside of Tallahassee. Any State Park is a good deal for a budget friendly day. Wakulla Springs cost $6 per vehicle. It’s open from 8 am to sundown 365 days a year. I had never heard of it but it was beautiful!


There’s so many activities you can do with in the park. Some of them require you to bring your own equipment. Those activities range from bicycling, scuba diving, horse/equestrian trail riding. Other activities that can be done there are camping, birding, geo-seeking, snorkeling, swimming, etc. There’s a nice park that you can walk around and explore, a picnic area, or if you don’t want to bring your own food there’s a restaurant inside the main building. There’s also a hotel in the park.

We choose to do the River Boat tour. The tour lasts about an hour and costs $8 for adults and $5 for children age 3-12. Children under 3 are free. The tour takes you all around the park and includes stories that not only include park facts, but stories of movies that have been filmed in the park, and explorations into the caves of the waters. The main attraction of the park and the tour is fresh water spring that feeds into the river. It is one of the largest fresh water springs in the world is located. There’s so much nature to see and the guide was very informative about the history of the park.

Along the shore of the river during the tour we saw everything from eagles nesting in trees, to manatees, to a mother gator with little hatchlings on her back. While I wouldn’t want to encounter a gator just leisurely walking  around any body of water, from the safety of the boat it was beautiful to see and something that is quite rare to see.

After we finished the cruise we ventured up to the main building to check out where the restaurant and hotel are located. Inside the main building in a case they have a huge alligator. The alligator on display is named Old Joe. He was an 11 ft gator that lived peacefully on a sandbar in the springs. They say he never bothered the adults, children and pets that would swim in the spring. He was found dead floating in the spring in 1966. He had been shot by a poacher and left. he’s been on display all these years. Can you imagine seeing him sunbathing nearby while swimming?!?

Overall it was a great afternoon and we had a fun spending family time together while exploring the park. It would be a beautiful background for any type of event.

I encourage you to get out and explore your states as well.

Let me know below where you go and if I’m ever in your area I will add it to our list of place to see!

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