Welcome to my new home!

Hello, I’ve decided that I want to start blogging again. I never actually planned to stop but you know life happens! And lots has happened in the last 2 years since my last post about our trip to Asia. Haven’t taken any more awesome trips over seas since then, but have taken lots on trips inside the USA. There also is some more traveling coming up later this year.

Along with lots of trips I want to share with you, we’ve also moved houses, gained a beautiful niece, done lots of DIY., and I’m taking classes for a new adventure. We renovated our new house so I’ll be sharing that too.

I also switched over from Blogger to WordPress because I’ve heard it’s better with pictures and everything else. I’m still trying to figure out how to import all my old posts over here, (that might take awhile! The directions seem so simple so I guess it’s a user malfunction haha!) So once I get everything organized I will get on catching everyone up on what’s happened over the last 730 ish days!

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