A Day in My life and Link up

Today I thought I would participate in a blog link up with Holly and Amy! I’ve never done a link up before but, hey why not? Right? I’m sure everyone want to know what I do on a daily basis!
  • 7:15ish am– Matt’s alarm goes off and he starts getting ready for work. (I’m guessing here because it usually doesn’t phase me when his alarm goes off!)
  • 7:45ish am– Matt leaves me a cute message on the board/my phone and kisses me good-bye and heads off to work.
  • 8:00-8:30am- Sometime in between there I usually wake up and take Lucky out to potty and then I fix/eat breakfast.
  • 8:30am-9:45am– During this time I either catch up on blogs, bills, etc online OR if I have an early burst of energy I do my marathon training for the day.
  • 9:45am– I start getting ready for work.
  • 10:00am– Take Lucky out one last time and get him settled in the hallway and head off to work.
  • 10:45am to 6:30pm– Spend the day playing, singing, reading, and cuddling with some of the cutest kids in Seminole County!
  • 6:30pm– Matt gets home and takes Lucky out and feeds him.
  • 7:00pm– I get home to start cooking dinner and eat with Matt.
  • 7:55pm– If I didn’t do so already in the morning I attack whatever is on my marathon training schedule for today
  • 9:00pm– Recover from workout and possibly have a little dessert.
  • 9:30pm– Clean up the kitchen and pack Matt’s lunch for the next day.
  • 10:00pm– Shower and crawl into bed to watch tv or read until I can’t stay awake any longer!
There you have it, a typical day in our house and our exciting life!!

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