Date Night! Painting and Champagne!

A few weeks ago Matt and I decided to go to Canvas and Cheers. It’s this place at the mall in Sanford where you can bring whatever you want to drink and snack on while you paint. You go to their website and from the calendar pick what night you want to go depending on the painting schedule. Once you get there they walk you through step by step how to paint your picture. The night we went was a designated “date night” which means instead of both us painting the same picture and coming home with two of them we paint one big picture on two canvases.

We (by that I mean I) picked to go on this night because I wanted to paint the beach scene. The scene was of the sun setting off shore with two beach chairs and some palm trees on the beach. We took champagne (because we have plenty left over from the wedding) and some Fresca to make a sorta spritzer drink! Matt painted the left side and I was in charge of the right side.

Matt’s Water

My Water

They had us line up our canvases so we got the sand and water at the same level. Then we had to mix up that sand color which was much harder then it sounds. They tell you which colors to use and then you just start mixing from there. It becomes even harder when you mess up down the line (which we did, lol) and need to fix the sand because it impossible to recreate the same color. So we had to completely repaint all the sand. Matt’s is above and mine is below!

Lucky me I got the side that had the palm tree on it! This my outline for the tree. She said to paint it in black and them you just kept going over it with different shade of green you mixed up. I kept redoing parts cause I though it looked bad. The class leader of course said every painting was beautiful because “painting is abstract and is whatever you make it”

Matt’s side of the canvas he only had to do two palm branches coming in from the side. Much easier then my whole tree w/ shadow!

Lastly we added our beach chairs and bucket of drinks. In the example photo the chairs were red and white but we made ours Orange and Blue! of course!

A close up of our final product! Our first painting ever!! It was a really fun evening, I’d recommend it for anyone looking for something different to do one night! 
Some people got a little crazy adding birds, sharks, dolphins, tiki torches, tables with candles, all kinds of extras! The people next to us, the husband drew a little doggie on their beach to the right of the beach chairs. It all came out super cute for all of those groups- We however were just happy to do what they gave us instruction for, no extras for us!!

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